I co-wrote this article in Forbes on an investment strategy called the “Shamelessly Cloned Portfolio.”
The shameless portfolio comprises of five of the highest conviction ideas of 9 value managers whom we shamelessly clone. Like the Small Dogs of the Dow and Uber Cannibals, we set it and forget it. I will publish the list of the top Shameless Cloned Ideas for a particular year on my blog on January 1 each year. For 2017, even though it’ll be a partial year, one can buy the 2017 picks anytime. After that, rebalancing should occur right after January 1. The Shameless Portfolio for 2017 contains:
We’ve laid out all our algorithm rules below. One can begin testing this strategy with a small portion of one’s networth and do it through a great broker like Interactive Brokers with commissions under $3/trade for small quantities. We hope you’ll join our merry band of shameless cloners. You can view the article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnovack/2017/02/22/beyond-buffett-how-to-build-wealth-copying-9-other-value-stock-pickers/#7645cf00eaf9 I co-wrote the article with Fei Li, a talented quant at Dhandho Funds. Enjoy! Note, anyone who invests in any strategy needs to do their own research/due diligence and are themselves fully responsible for the outcome. Appendix: Shameless Cloning Portfolio Rules Selection Criteria:
Rebalance Methodology:
2/22/2017 01:42:07 pm
Thanks for this, I love it
A. K.
2/22/2017 02:27:25 pm
Very Fascinating and intrigued. Thanks Mohnish. If we pick managers today, doesn't that introduce forward looking information? We picked these guys because they have outperformed the S&P500 over the last 15 years. In year 2000, we didn't know these 10 would be good out of everyone else who filed 13f.
2/22/2017 06:30:50 pm
Hi A.K.
A. K.
2/23/2017 01:34:08 am
Gotcha. Thank you very much to you and Fei for sharing the strategy and your list of quality 13-f filers. Looking forward to trying this out. 2/22/2017 02:37:24 pm
I'm curious why oil, gas, metals and mining are excluded? I can see why REITs and Utilities are.
2/22/2017 06:31:55 pm
That was a close call. In fact the performance numbers were even better if we included them. Wanted to try to get to better businesses.
2/22/2017 05:43:32 pm
There is a 13D Activist Fund that offer investors exposure to shareholder activism as its primary investment strategy.
2/22/2017 06:33:34 pm
Sure. But the activist fund charges fees - and anyone who starts a fund based on this will charge fees. We have a max. of 10 trades a year with this. With Interactive Brokers that could be as low as $3/trade or $30/year.
2/22/2017 07:07:30 pm
Mohnish, Do you think it is bit late to try out the strategy this year considering that these stocks have already moved up a lot this year?
nimish a mehta
2/22/2017 05:49:55 pm
Based on this criteria,stocks such as rain inds will not be bought as depended on metal and mining
2/22/2017 06:34:47 pm
Like I said, the historic performance was better when we included that industry. It was a close call. But these rules will do quite well.
2/22/2017 09:18:57 pm
Interesting article Monish and Fei, but I have a few questions. The stocks selected are based on order in which you list your table - in the article it seems to be alphabetical. If you were to change the order, for whatever reason, you would come up with a different set of securities and a different return. So my question is have you run the return backtest using other ordering in your initial table, say based on normalized returns, size of fund, concentration levels of managers, even reverse alphabetical order. Just concerned about data mining based on your one sample.
Mohnish Pabrai
2/23/2017 07:13:48 am
Yes, we did run with a few different orders. For example Pabrai Funds was originally #3 because we were using the advisor name (Dalal Street). In general, other orders led to even better results.
2/25/2017 07:27:52 pm
Any plans on providing information on other scenarios or ranking criteria that performed better than others? Worse than others?
2/23/2017 02:34:11 am
Mohnish: How do you dwfine 'highest conviction' of a manager? The largest buy in the most recent 13F? The largest buy in the most recent 3 (or 4) 13Fs? The largest portfolio position which was also added to in the last 3-4 13Fs? Etc. Could you plz be a bit more specific? Thanks!
Mohnish Pabrai
2/23/2017 07:15:55 am
Highest conviction is top two ideas which are the largest portfolio positions based on present value.
Why is this year's Markel selection Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B) vice Carmax Inc (KMX)? According to InsiderMonkey.com, Markel's top 3 investments are:
Sam Koshy
2/23/2017 08:42:52 am
why is this portfolio over load on technology &software stocks ? FMCG and Pharma not included too . Do you think the above selected stocks will be volatile enough to do some useful trades in the near future ?
2/23/2017 10:38:17 am
Great article at an appropriate time. In the list of value manager at no 3. is FPA Capital, I assume this is FPA Crescent fund by Steven Romick, since this value manager has Oracle as the top holding.
2/23/2017 07:57:26 pm
I don't know if I missed it somewhere, but is the allocation equal between all 5 stocks? Also, would using a platform like Motif be smart? Thanks!
2/25/2017 12:08:53 am
Hi Monish,
2/25/2017 08:32:43 pm
Hi Mohnish,
Hi. Thanks for the article. It came at a perfect time for me. I will join your "merry band of shameless cloners." :)
Mohnish Pabrai
3/1/2017 05:18:52 pm
@Rahul: The strategy only makes sense if you follow it without tweaks for decades. If it were me, I'd just buy at present prices and leave it alone.
Chris, ChrisP
3/1/2017 06:57:07 pm
3/2/2017 07:12:06 pm
Ah, got it. Thank you.
3/5/2017 08:39:33 pm
So thats a NO.
Sam Koshy
3/8/2017 09:18:02 am
Thank you for clarifying.
3/20/2017 04:47:30 pm
Hey Mohnish,
Mohnish Pabrai
4/3/2017 03:55:39 pm
The funds were picked because they have the right investment approach. If anything meaningful changes, I will consider tweaking the list.
4/12/2017 09:35:21 am
Hi Mohnish,
Mohnish Pabrai
5/17/2017 05:46:18 pm
We did not consider capital gains tax during our backtesting because the tax situation is different for different individuals. This strategy is ideal for an IRA/tax deferred account. The outperformance of the strategy would still hold with the capital gains tax. Moreover, since we rebalance only once a year, you would only be subject to a long term capital gains tax.
6/21/2017 07:21:40 am
Hi Mohnesh,
Mohnish Pabrai
7/27/2017 07:01:43 am
Hi David, 13F’s only list the US holdings of the manager. Hence, you wouldn’t find British American Tobacco (a UK company) in there.
Poland Spring
8/14/2017 06:28:16 pm
How might one find a full breakdown of Cedar Rock's portfolio? 9/14/2017 03:42:47 am
Hi Mohnish,
Hi Karen.
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Mohnish PabraiMohnish Pabrai is the founder and Managing Partner of the Archives
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