I very much enjoyed speaking to Rohilesh Singh, founder and CEO of Populis, for the Leadership Show. We talked about the importance of giving back (in time and resources), the Dakshana Foundation, how to invest in profitable businesses and the importance of checklists in investing. Enjoy!
http://www.populis.com.au/single-post/2018/06/21/CLEVER-INVESTOR-AND-GIVER-Rohilesh-X-Mohnish-Pabrai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m53ukJMuO78
I very much enjoyed my chat with Kevin Harris from SumZero published on Forbes.com. We covered a range of topics including checklists, a fair management fee structure, and the importance of doing your own investment research.
Enjoy! https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinharris/2018/06/25/mohnish-pabrais-advice-for-value-investors/#60ce25d122ed I very much enjoyed my Q&A session with the Class of 2019 Dakshana Scholars at JNV Silvassa (Union territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, India) on February 25, 2018. This all-female batch of Dakshana scholars will take their medical entrance exams in 2019. The majority are likely to be accepted by the best medical schools. Their questions covered a broad range of topics related to my childhood, compounding, lessons from my failures and motivation behind our establishing the Dakshana Foundation.
Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjjI5O_uZUA I very much enjoyed being interviewed by ET Now for a "Chai With Pabrai" segment. We discussed a wide range of topics including my views on stocks in India, circle of competence and Dhandho investing (low risk high uncertainty) in India.
Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7Qr1Ze8vNA |
Mohnish PabraiMohnish Pabrai is the founder and Managing Partner of the Archives
December 2024
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